OLPH encourages you to use myParish App for stay in touch with our Parish. It's free to download on you Apple or Android iPhone.
Receive text messages, calendar and event updates, daily readings and more by having this App available on your phone.
To download the App follow these instructions or watch the download video and other features video's HERE.
1. Go to text messenger on your phone
2. Type in 88202 in the send address
3. Type in app in the messenger box
4. You will receive a link to download the app from the app store. Click on the link
5. In the app store download the app
6. Click "yes" to allow push notifications to receive messages.
6. After the app is uploaded to the bottom of the app and find "How to find my Parish?" Type in OLPH Chattanooga.
Or use this QR code to download the app
To learn more about this app click HERE.